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NODEMCU_FTUNIOT is a code generator for the ESP8266\ESP32 boards. You don’t need any coding skills to program it and make your IoT project. The tool is available on 7 languages and in active development and documentation is available!
There is several resources in different language to learn ESP8266\ESP32 and program in blocks mode.
There is 2 versions of the program:

  • TUNIOT FOR ESP8266: This is a visual programming tool for the ESP8266 based boards like NODEMCU, Wemos, Huzzah … I think that board is enough mature to be used. There is a big community behind with a lot of projects and forum discussion. You will find more about the tool and the documentation on this page.
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  • TUNIOT FOR ESP32: This is a visual programming tool for the ESP32 board. The ESP32 is a quite new board and the libraries under the arduino IDE are still in active development. You already can start learn and programming with blocs and do basic things.
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