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 DTAT 3uring this workshop, I presented for the first time the concept of embedded system programming at school. I got teachers from primary school to high school and in different filed (Sport, Technology …)
Usually, workshops for teachers are challenging for me because they ask a lot a questions and they don’t mind criticizing the pedagogy of the teacher when they don’t understand. For this workshop, I did not get any problem and I think that there is 2 main reasons.

TAT1First, this group of TAT teachers are the finalist after a several steps of selection based on their technical skills. Second, Arduino programming is a lot of fun because we don’t spend time on wiring and coding is easy with blocs. So teacher could see the result of any program very quickly. I was very happy to see my students sharing this workshop on social media which means that they love the experience. In this photo, you can see a sport teacher who ‘fall’ in love with Arduino!

