Arduino workshop in the country side (Hwidh-Bizerte)
19 Saturday Dec 2015
Written by ADEL KASSAH in Workshops
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Making workshop in the country side was always my favorite passion. If we add to that the fact that I will be teaching some thing not common. It was the last Saturday before the end of year vacation and the school was almost empty. The computer lab was new.
Teaching country side pupils is challenging because most of them did not own a computer at home and it might be the first time that they use it. I was ready to get problems.
I started the workshop like always by showing how to make a simple program that light an LED. It was a serie of several steps from the block building to getting the expected result. I thought they will struggle with it and that I need to repeat several times. I did this just 2 times and they were able to make the exercises very quickly. I was really happy and super excited about the result. They were able to program like any one else. I made workshops for university students, for high school, teachers and I am sure that country side students can program an Arduino like any one else. The hardest question of the workshop was: Mister, when will be back?