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16466589_10207087115330329_1243170053_oThis workshop was organized for master degree students in new educational technologies. The attendees of this course are mainly educators from different fields from primary to high school. Some of them were also primary school inspectors with a background in education.
I started first by the Arduino programming using Blocklyduino Enhanced. The board is getting more and more known among educators. I used it as an autonomus embedded system. In the second part of the workshop, we used the NODEMCU board with the tool I created TUNIOT. I spoke about the emerging technology of Internet of Things with some examples. Like I was expecting, the transition from Arduino to NODEMCU was easy specially the software side.
During these workshop, I enjoy seeing teachers from non technical fields making their program and testing. It was also an opportunity to talk about that stereotype  and also the gender gap in technology. The interesting thing is that while they were programming, students were making photos and videos about their work and also sharing them on social media. On the photo on the top, you can see an english teacher. This is another proof that programming and electronics could be really fun, which is not true in our Tunisian educational system.