• Setup  Serial LCD I2C:
    Every time you use the serial LCD I2C, you should call this block once. Put it in the setup part.
    Every Display has an address. You need to run the ScanI2C script to get it. You will find more in the video tutorial.
    The displays has different sizes. You need to put the right number of columns and rows.

    Video tutorial: The serial LCD I2C
  • LCD Print:
    Display a message in the display from the current position of the cursor.
  • LCD Clear:
    Delete (clear) all the text on the display.
  • LCD Home:
    Move the cursor in the beginning of the display.
  • LCD set Cursor:
    Will move the Cursor into a specific position.
    In this image, the position of character A is: Column 0 ; Row: 0
    The position of character a is: Column 0 ; Row: 1
    The position of character B is: Column 1 ; Row: 0
    So, numbering starts from 0.
  • LCD display:
    Turns on the LCD display, after it’s been turned off with noDisplay().


  • LCD no display:
    Turns off the LCD display, without losing the text currently shown on it.


  • Scroll display Left:
    Scrolls the contents of the display (text and cursor) one space to the left.


  • Scroll display Right:
    Scrolls the contents of the display (text and cursor) one space to the Right.