• ScanWifiNetworkScan wifi network:
    Scan for available Wi-Fi networks in one run and return the number of networks that has been discovered.
    Return type: Number
  • Scan delete:
    Delete the last scan result from memory.
    Scan delete
  • Wifi SSID:
    Return the SSID of a network discovered during the scan. It accepts one parameter: the network item. This item is a zero based index of network discovered during scan. It means that if you have 2 networks, the first network will have a network item (0). The second will have a network item (1).
    Return type: String
  • ScanWifiRSSIWifi RSSI:
    Return the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) of a network discovered during the scan. It accepts one parameter: the network item. This item is a zero based index of network discovered during scan. It means that if you have 2 networks, the first network will have a network item (0). The second will have a network item (1).
    Return type: String
  • Encryption type:
    Return a Boolean of the encryption type of the network item.
    Return type: Boolean