1. In this video we will see how to connect to two types of network: an open network (without a password) and encrypted network (with password)
  2. In the video, we will see to make 2 types of access point (hot spot): one with password and one without password
  3. IP and host name
  4. Run a local web server
  5. In this video, you will see how make your Android App that controls an LED. You will use the online tool App Inventor
  6. In this video, you will see how to make your Androind App that gets data from a sensor connected to NODEMCU
  7. In this video we will make 2 NODEMCU communicate together. One will run as a Server, so listening to request. The other will be a client so sending request.
  8. In this video, we will see how to monitor a network of sensors conntected to NODEMCU
  9. In this video, we will make a program that scans the available machine or board connected to the network
  10. In this video, we will see how to make a WIFI network scanner
  11. In this video, we will see how to make a web page embedded into a NODEMCU to control an LED to the board